Monday, April 29, 2013

New P-Day

Family and Friends,
My Preparation Day got moved in anticipation of all the people coming to the MTC soon. I now have it on Friday. I'm not sure the time I will be doing emails but I will let you know on Friday.
Here is a super quick sum up of how I've been:
Last night we had a really cool speaker, Stephan Allen, he spoke about a lot of things but one thing he said really stuck out to me. Sometimes we wrongly judge people who come home from missions early, thoughts go through our heads or we hear why they came home and we instantly judge them. That is a SIN, and it is WRONG!! He said, at the devotional, the following: "Some people need to come on missions to find the courage to confess their sin". People who need to confess and repent of their sins are not bad, or horrible people, they are in tune with the Spirit enough to trust in the Lord that he will comfort them in the midst of embarrassment and scorn, and that He will help them through their difficult times with the power of the Atonement.
Also I quickly wanted to speak directly to my brother Trenton, the Deacons in my ward, any other Deacons reading this.
- During conference a few weeks ago, someone spoke about the power of the Priesthood. He said the following: "The priesthood power in a boy is just as strong as the priesthood power in a man". You have the same Priesthood power that the Prophet of God has.
- When you pass the sacrament you are giving people the most important 15 minutes they will have that whole week until they partake of Sacrament again next week. You are truly handing them their eternal salvation.
Alright Family,
I've noticed I haven't been talking about Spiritual moments too much in my emails, so I'm going to change that. I kinda funny, in the real world spiritual moments are rare and treasured, in the MTC the Spirit walks these halls and there are so many spiritual moments you kinda end up taking them for granite. So I'm sorry and on Friday prepare for a Spiritual Feast!! And PLEASE PLEASE WRITE ME MORE LETTERS!! Dad you should of gotten yours! Jennie I will respond to yours tonight.
Love You Dad, Love You Mom, Love You Tori, Love You Jennie, Love You Trenton.
-Elder Clement

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